How to lose weight quickly and permanently

4 min read

Choice of food, weight on the scale, mistakes to avoid… Our dieticians give you their advice for losing weight quickly and maintaining the results over the long term!

To know the reflexes to adopt now that can make the difference, to avoid the mistakes that are often made when trying to lose weight , and to obtain results for your figure, follow Alexia’s wise advice. Mouyal and Carla Abbou, dieticians.

To lose weight effectively… Balance your diet!

Alexia Mouyal and Carla Abbou are unanimous: to lose weight effectively, and avoid regaining the pounds lost afterwards, it is recommended to avoid all overly restrictive slimming diets , which will not work in the long term…

The very principle of the diet, as the dietician reminds us, is to make efforts (sometimes great efforts!) for a given time… However, thereafter, the risk is that the body no longer follows these restrictions and returns quickly back to its pre-diet weight as soon as you let go of the ballast.

“If we start on a diet that is too strict, this can quickly lead to a feeling of deprivation, a decrease in motivation and therefore abandonment”, warns the specialist.

The healthy solution that really works? Rebalance your diet! Adopting a balanced and varied diet will allow your body to have everything it needs to function well (amino acids, lipids , carbohydrates , vitamins , minerals , etc.), and will also help you find and maintain your healthy weight .

The golden rules to follow:Banning ultra-processed foods and cooking only raw foods to control what you put on your plate

Balance each meal, including a portion of protein (animal protein or vegetable protein if you follow a vegetarian diet), a portion of starchy foods and a portion of vegetables

To lose weight without frustration… Keep it simple!

Who says balanced diet and dietary changes does not necessarily mean headache… Quite the contrary! To be effective and for you to hold on in the long term, approach this food rebalancing in a simple way.

The goal, especially if you are not a fan of cooking or you lack time on a daily basis, is to be efficient.

So remember to always have jars of vegetables in your cupboards ready to put in a frying pan, or frozen vegetables in your freezer… On days when you don’t have time or you haven’t done any shopping, no excuse to skip your portion of vegetables!

Anticipation can also be useful if you are prone to snacking , cravings for sugar or fatty foods when you are bored or when your emotions are playing tricks on you. If you always have a healthy snack on hand to deal with these cravings ( oilseeds , raw vegetables, fresh fruit, natural yogurt, etc.), you will avoid throwing yourself on the packet of crisps or the “comforting” cakes hidden at the bottom of your your cupboards… Snack, yes, but healthily!

To lose weight quickly…

To lose weight quickly, it is essential to eat consciously, by slowing down the pace of the meal, and by focusing on what you eat, advises Alexia Mouyal. Eliminate all the distractions you may have during your meals (television, phone call to a friend, series on the computer…), and take this time just for you, in peace.

The specialist points out that it is also necessary to chew food slowly: “eating (too) quickly contributes to stress and weight gain. It is not a question of being in slow motion, but of really regaining control. When we let’s eat slowly, we eat less, take the test, you’ll be surprised!” , she says.

The principle of the food diary (also called weekly) is to list throughout your day what you eat, for breakfast , lunch, snack, dinner , and possibly between meals…

“The simple fact of writing in detail everything we eat will change our eating behavior and make us lose weight . There is a real awareness of the mistakes made so that we no longer reproduce them.” , explains the dietitian.

Even if your goal is to lose weight , and you want to see the results displayed on the scale, weighing yourself too often when trying to lose weight is a very common mistake, which can quickly become discouraging!

By weighing yourself every day, we will inevitably see variations, which can come from hydration too much, of a lazy transit… But not necessarily of the food itself!” , assures Alexia Mouyal.

The right timing to weigh yourself when you want to lose weight? Once a week, on an empty stomach, always using the same scale, placed in the same place.

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