How to quickly remove a pimple on the face?

4 min read

It’s a catastrophe ! You have a date and a nasty pimple has appeared… How do you get rid of this awful opportunist? How to forget it as quickly as possible? No need to torture him, don’t worry! There are many remedies to overcome almost any blemish.

9 tips for you to quickly  remove an unsightly pimple.

1. Tea tree essential oil

Do you know tea tree essential oil? It is a powerful disinfectant , but be careful not to use it pure! It is very concentrated in active ingredient and can irritate the skin or even burn it.

To properly use tea tree essential oil, you will mix 2 drops of this essence with a teaspoon of sweet almond oil . Dab the area to be treated with this solution in the evening at bedtime using a cotton swab and let the product act without fiddling with your pimple. This would aggravate the inflammation! The smallest imperfections will disappear overnight . For the most important, however, you will have to be patient.

2. Green clay

Concoct a green clay mask  ! It’s easy to do: just mix a little clay powder with water and apply the preparation immediately. Let the product act for about ten minutes before rinsing your face with clean water and applying your moisturizer. Is your pimple big and painful? In this case, put some of this mixture on it before going to bed and forget about the clay all night. That should fix your problem!

3. The ice cube

Break out the ice cubes! No, it’s not to prepare the aperitif, but to reduce the inflammation of your skin. Indeed, the cold will tighten the skin tissues and make the redness and swelling disappear . A few seconds of application are enough. In addition, the freshness will reduce the blood flow and give you a nice complexion. Be careful, however, to repeat this treatment several times a day for a perfect result!

4. Toothpaste

Toothpaste isn’t just for whitening teeth! It has other uses of which Truc Mania has the secret. Fighting skin blemishes is one of them.

Here’s how to do it: apply a small dose of dental product to your stubborn pimple and go to bed! The toothpaste will act during the night to make the skin with this importunate. The next morning, you will have a fresh and radiant complexion. Don’t forget to remove the white paste from your face before you go to work!

5. Sea salt

Sea salt is astringent, which means it tightens the pores of the skin . It is also formidable to fight against pimples . Just use it in addition to your usual cleansing gel. You can even make a scrub with this natural product, the result will be even better. After that, rinse your skin and moisturize it. That’s it !

6. Yogurt and lemon

What a funny mixture, isn’t it? Yogurt and lemon do not seem to be the best allies and yet they are terribly effective against the nasty pimples that ruin your life! Just mix yogurt and lemon juice and apply this preparation on your previously cleansed face. Wait a quarter of an hour and rinse your skin with cool water to tighten the pores.

7. Anti-pimple gel pen

Here is a little express remedy that can be found on the market. You can buy this kind of products in supermarkets or pharmacies. They are not very expensive and are perfectly adapted to your problem.

To use them, nothing could be simpler: you apply a little of the solution to your imperfection and you forget about it. The gel knows how to be discreet. After a good night’s sleep, your pimple will be just a bad memory.

8. Aspirin

Aspirin is the ultimate solution against the most painful pimples. For what ? Because aspirin is an unparalleled anti-inflammatory . Simply crush a little of this medicine and mix the resulting powder with a little water to form a paste . The next day, rinse and admire the result!

9. Makeup

Here is the last trick to quickly forget your pimple: hide it with a non-comedogenic cosmetic product. You will find very effective green corrective sticks in perfumery, but also quality foundations that will cover your imperfection to perfection!

You now know the list of remedies to make pimples disappear in no time. All you have to do is try them, but above all respect this instruction: never pierce your imperfections!

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